TYLER, Texas (KLTV) – About 10 neighbors began meeting after not receiving results after damage was done to their property due to prolonged road construction.
Veronica Hernandez has led the group meetings. While she does not live in the area, she has relatives in the neighborhood and travels to the area every week.
Lynne Briggs lived on Donna Drive for 22 years and says that she loved her neighborhood.
“I’ve had three flats; one of them I had to totally get replaced. I had a bent rim. I had to buy a new rim, been exposed to COVID twice because they broke my gas line out there three times,” says Briggs.
Don Beasley lives on Donna Drive as well.
“My driveway when it rains they piled up stuff there so we can get up in, but it’s all washed out now. And now I just got a drop off which has torn up, knocked some of the parts from under my daughter’s car because of the drop off instead of the driveway,” says Beasley.
270 days was the original time frame the contractor agreed on. The city has not been happy with the work of the current contractor either, and has currently given the contractor ten days to remedy the issue.
The City Engineer for Tyler, Darin Jennings, started his position at the end of February and noticed how much of a mess this project was while the city engineer position was vacant.
“We have had some frustrations with the contractor, correct,” says Jennings
The issues have caused many of the community members to pay out of pocket to fix damages done to their property.
“We sympathize with them and all the mess they’ve had to deal with, and all the inconsistencies and inconveniences they’ve had to deal with for so long, that the highest priority the first priority is to give them an asphalt surface, a paved surface to drive on,” says Jennings.
A resident in the area, Carolyn Johnson, decided to sell her car because the cost of the damages to repair from the road was too expensive for her.
Public information officer LouAnn Campbell says that they want the citizens to have faith in them that they will solve their problem.
If you have had property damaged from the construction in the Melinda Lane and Donna Drive area, the city urges you to contact Leland Bradlee Construction.
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