Trademark Fresno has launched an informative, comprehensive new website to explain better and describe its contractor services. The company has established a showroom conveniently located off Highway 168. Trademark Fresno and Michelle Bergeron are pleased to announce that they have launched an up-to-the-minute website that explains the products and services […]

Officials said that the project is to build a “diverging diamond interchange,” changing from the traditional interchange there now. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — The Tennessee Department of Transportation hosted a meeting Thursday night about an upcoming construction project to improve traffic on I-75 near Emory Road. It is called the “Interstate […]

Semi-retirees Steve and Barbara Velazquez said they enjoy hosting their large extended family in their Poway home. But the frequent gathering spot, their relatively dark and dated kitchen, was not as hospitable as the rest of their Old World-styled home that has undergone several renovations over their 30 years there. […]